Sunday, March 1, 2009

i need some help...

im trying to add a pet,(from bunnyherolabs)but i dont know where to put the code! when i try to put it in "add your own" in the edit bar, it says "illegal characters"! what do i do? please comment! and im not telling what my new pet is until it is up and working!comment for help! :_( EDIT: thanks cp funkeys and pteprocks! i got a fishy put on my page, and a couple other things.thanks!


  1. Go to Layout and click on the add a module or something button and scroll down to where it says "HTML/JavaScript". Then paste the code there.

  2. it didnt work! it just pasted the code, not the aminal! WAHHHH

  3. Get the code from bunny hero copy it heres what U need to do next:
    add new gadgets > Basic/general (I forgot) > HTML/javascript > paste the and add the title. When U look at the blog or preview it will look like the preview on bunny hero.

  4. Thanks cp funkeys! and pteprocks, i just misunderstood your directions XD
